What to Expect From the Future of Education

Teacher supporting student in classroom

The education landscape has transformed rapidly in the past few years. More specifically, the EdTech industry has been booming recently, introducing innovative solutions to the table. With the World Economic Forum forecasting half of today’s work activities being automated by 20551, it is as good a time as ever to examine what this entails for the future of schools and educators. Can EdTech adequately prepare schools to work toward this future? Is tech finally capable of streamlining convoluted processes to support teachers’ mission of empowering the next generation?

Look no further than the modernisation of your schools’ annual student registration exercise. Part and parcel of the beginning of a school year, the process is associated with long queues, crowd control and heavy administrative duties for teachers. Indeed, when schools approach this process manually, teachers become tied up with multiple responsibilities. Furthermore, they are not the only victims – parents and guardians tend to experience long waiting times for their textbook and uniform purchases or for meeting their child’s form teachers.

What if you could streamline and digitalise the whole student registration process that can not only reduce the number of staff needed but also reduce your worry of having to comply with safe-distancing measures during this pandemic?

With Dive Analytics’ Student Registration Portal, you can! It digitises your entire student registration exercise online with ease. Now, you can provide greater convenience to all stakeholders – parents, students and teachers. Let’s explore how 3 schools successfully digitised the entire process and impressed their incoming batch of students!

Benefit 1: Convenience

One big draw is the convenience teachers and parents alike will enjoy throughout the process. Staff can easily monitor the completion statuses and form submissions of every student real-time, via an interactive dashboard. This frees up time for teachers to handle more important matters and integrate students into your school where they are better suited to provide human assistance.

Beyond that, you can now finally eliminate the need for parents to come down physically! Just ask Riverside Secondary School how much relief and convenience that has brought them – they haven’t looked back since. So how did they do it? Simply put, they achieved this feat by leveraging the portal to digitise various forms such as the Full Subject Based Banding (FSBB) and Mother Tongue Language (MTL) forms. This afforded parents/guardians convenience, greater accessibility and completely eliminated unnecessary physical interactions.

Benefit 2: Easing the Administrative Workload

If teachers had to choose their biggest pain point during this hectic period, that would likely be the heavy administrative responsibilities. For schools starting to accept intakes of Full Subject-Based Banding students especially, teachers are unsurprisingly ill-equipped to efficiently consolidate students’ plethora of subject choices. In lieu of this, Edgefield Secondary School sought a solution to introduce automation into their status quo. Using this new solution, they eventually saved over 300 man hours combined over the few days. How exactly were they able to accomplish such a feat?

By leveraging the Student Registration Portal’s personalised book list, Edgefield Secondary were able to reduce the administrative burden on teachers. The real-time dashboard captured students’ responses and allowed data to be exported readily into working Excel files. This made it easier for teachers to process the data and saved hundreds of man hours. What’s more, the elimination of printed hardcopies also means they save over 1,000 pieces of paper per year!

As an added Benefit, parents were also able to view the book lists in real-time, ensuring greater clarity amongst all. This again sped up the registration process on their end.

Benefit 3: Clear Information Dissemination

One final highlight for both teachers and parents is clear information dissemination. From reporting timings and orientation details to textbook purchases and more, schools have to communicate a large volume of information for parents to then digest. It is of no surprise that some information can slip through the cracks unless a robust system is in place. Let’s examine this with our last example.

To ensure clarity amongst all, Kranji Secondary School similarly turned to Dive’s Student Registration Portal. With it, they easily notified parents about relevant information. This prepared parents/guardians well for their child/ward’s first day of school. It also helped to ensure that they did not miss important updates, especially amidst this Covid-19 pandemic.

The fully mobile-responsive online portal also enabled them to complete the registration with ease. Parents/guardians could access the portal via their smartphones, tablets or laptops at their convenience. The user-friendly interface made it even easier for them to navigate and kept the process simple.


As we have witnessed from the modern solutions on display for the annual registration exercise alone, the future of education is already well and truly upon us. With the proliferation of new technology, more schools are embracing digitalisation. At Dive Analytics, we strive to be a key partner in helping schools adapt to this changing landscape. Hence, we understand that every school is different with its own unique needs.

The good news is that our student registration portal is fully customisable to meet your unique demands. Rest assured that we are committed to work hand-in-hand to support your school’s efforts to provide a smooth and memorable registration exercise.

Interested to find out more about our student registration portal? Fill in the form below to request for a live demo!


James Manyika , Michael Chui, Mehdi Miremadi , Jacques Bughin, Katy George, Paul Willmott, Martin Dewhurst (2017), A Future That Works: Automation, Employment and Productivity. McKinsey Global Institute