Tackling Bullying: Safe & Supportive Schools


Bullying remains a pervasive issue in schools, negatively impacting the well-being and academic success of countless students. Bullying is also a global concern. According to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, the prevalence of bullying among school-aged children varies across countries. In Europe, for instance, the prevalence ranges from 8% to 45% while in the United States, nearly half of U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 (46%) report ever experiencing at least one of six cyberbullying behaviours when asked about in a Pew Research Center survey. To combat this problem effectively, it is crucial for educators, parents, and communities to work together to create safe and supportive environments. In this blog post, we will delve into the topic of bullying and how we can create positive change and ensure that every child feels safe, valued, and empowered within schools.

The Impact of Bullying: Consequences on Mental, Emotional, and Academic Well-being

The effects of bullying extend beyond the school years, potentially impacting an individual’s mental health and overall well-being in adulthood. Research shows that individuals who were bullied as children are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and even suicidal ideation. Addressing bullying early on is vital to mitigating these long-term consequences.

Creating a Safe and Supportive School Environment

Creating a safe and supportive school environment is crucial in preventing bullying and fostering positive relationships among students. We explore a few evidence-based strategies that schools can implement to address bullying effectively:

  • Clear Policies and Procedures:

Schools must establish clear and comprehensive anti-bullying policies that outline expectations for behaviour and consequences for bullying. These policies should be communicated to all stakeholders, ensuring that everyone understands their role in creating a safe environment. Additionally, schools should develop protocols and safe spaces for reporting of bullying cases without the fear of being stigmatised. 

  • Educate and Empower Students:

Comprehensive anti-bullying education equips students with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to address bullying effectively. By teaching empathy, conflict resolution, assertiveness, and bystander intervention, we empower students to become active participants in preventing and stopping bullying.

  •  Implement a Reporting System:

Establishing a clear and accessible reporting system ensures that students feel comfortable reporting bullying incidents without fear of reprisal. Encouraging students, parents, and staff to report bullying promptly and taking all reports seriously and handling them appropriately is vital. Within Nurture, our award-winning student wellness and holistic development platform, students are able to leverage on our seek help feature and candidly share about their emotions and experiences of being bullied through our well-being check-ins. This allows teachers and school counsellors to quickly identify affected students and take further action if necessary. 


In conclusion, addressing bullying involves not only supporting victims but also providing interventions and support for individuals engaged in bullying behaviour. Understanding the underlying causes of bullying, addressing social-emotional needs, and implementing appropriate consequences are also crucial steps to help individuals change their behaviour and foster empathy and respect.